Past Endings and New Beginnings: Welcome 2019
In this article, you will learn about Past endings and new beginnings. As the Christmas and New year celebration are in its full glory, it once again reminds us that a year has passed by. For some, it must have been a glorious year filled with fun and rejoicing while some can swear by how dull and mundane the last 365 days were. Whatever be the case, this is certainly the best time to sit back and reflect. Before we say goodbye and make new beginnings, it would be an awesome thing to gather past memories and be better prepared for a terrific start.
Let’s take a look back
Take out a few moments to look back at the last 12 months. Reflect on what you achieved and give yourself a good pat on your back. It might be anything- career-wise or in personal space. It might be someone you helped, completing a long-pending task, a relationship or simply the love and laughter shared. Thank life for gracing you its goodness and start on a positive note.
Be kind to Yourself
Of course, you must have made mistakes too and there would be things you could have done better. But, instead of overthinking and letting those few negative instances set in and spoil your day, be kind to yourself. Remember, that it’s alright to make mistakes if you can learn from them.
Evaluate Past Events
Think of how the year went by with an overall perspective? Was it just as planned or a tipsy turvy ride? Was it fantastic for your career, you made great friends and found the love of your life or otherwise? Were you happy or sad? Once you have defined the tone of the year, try and evaluate the things that made it so and how your thoughts and actions contributed. Once this is done, you know what should you continue to do or stop doing and the things that need to be tweaked a little?
What Next?
Plan for New Beginnings
Now, that you have settled with your past, plan for the coming year. Think about the qualities that you want to carry forward and people you would like to meet more often, set your career goals and most importantly figure out where you want to be at the end of next year. Ready to roll. Great! Have a wonderful 2019.
Happy New year.
.For further help, you can reach out to me at Life Coach In Delhi .