Real or imaginary- our brains cannot tell!

Our brain is a storehouse of astonishing marvels. Though one of it is no longer a secret- our brains can’t tell the difference between real and imaginary. Real or imaginary – it is just the same for our brain. Real or imaginary? In a scientific study, two groups were...

Achieving holistic well-being on World Health Day

We are approaching the World Health Day, a day when the world’s single-most focus is on ensuring the health of people and the planet. Let us make it count by discussing Holistic Wellbeing, an approach that helps you to live a happy and healthy life by considering all...

The divine feminine

All of us have both masculine and feminine within us. Each one of us carry the divine energies of the Shiv and Shakti; the male and female; compassion and aggression; love and practicality. One cannot exist without the other. The divine feminine Heard of Venus,...

Empowering teens: What can parents do?

Between 10 and 19 years, children go through the most difficult phase of their life. Umpteen challenges like physical changes, hormonal changes, emotional upheaval, social pressures, parental; expectations, school pressures etc create havoc in their lives. They...

Does your young adult need a life coach?

The world has changed so much in the last two decades – internet is all over the place; people have more followers on social media than acquaintances in real life; friendship is becoming virtual; joint families are almost extinct; trust amongst people has...